Friday, September 10, 2010

I'm sorry I've been lacking in my blogger duties lately. I have a lot on my plate and a lot on my mind at the moment. Blogging is certainly on the bottom of my list, but my brothers are not. In fact I spent an hour yesterday visiting 50+ blogs, and giving them the attention the deserve. Stay strong.

So last night as I was about to go to bed, I was brushing my teeth and I hear from my dark living room "mmmmuuuhhhhhhhh.... hhhnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmm.....uuuhhhhhhhhhhnnn...." so I turned the light on. It was a DINO!!! No lol it was my grandma laying on the couch moaning while clutching her stomach. I asked her if she was alright and she said she wanted to go to the emergency room. Now I don't want you to get the wrong picture, my grandma is not some brittle old lady. She's a very... wise, active woman (her mouth is active, I should say), so when I see her hunched over crying out like this, the only thing I can think is "..doesn't seem that bad." After a few minutes she was in front of the toilet hurling her homemade soup, while still giving me the chilling sounds of "UUUUUHHHhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...." So I geared up, and waited patiently in the living room for her. When she settled down some She asked me to rub her back, so I did, like the good grandson I am. Another half hour flies by and I'm almost passed out in my chair... And I said fuck that, and went to bed. After talking with her this morning she said "I feel great now!" and said nothing more of it.

--LOL so I'm talking with a Marine recruiter right now. Persistent Marines are persistent. He asked me like a thousand questions about my life and, since I don't have much to hide I told him everything he wanted to know. He seemed pretty satisfied that I was going to college, and seemed very interested about me not having very good funding sources, and told me about all the wonderful programs that the Marines offered. We even made plans to get some coffee on Monday. He then asked me to go through a "screening process", where he asked me about my affiliation with the law. I told him about how I have had several tickets in the past for stupid things like, being in a closed park after it's closed, and not fully stopping at a stop sign. He waved it off and said things like that happen to everyone. He then asked me about my drug use history. This is when I laughed. I told him "Haha, you want to know about all of them?". I told him about how I used to smoke weed, and he seemed ok about that. And I told him about how I took some goombas in high school. I even told him about my trips with uncle Sal. Then as soon as I had mentioned I had taken ecstasy.... "Oh ok well I'm sorry but there isn't much I can do for you then, the Marines have a very strict no drug policy. Sorry to take up your time". "What, so were not going to meet for coffee on Monday?", "Well it would only be wasting your time as since you admitted to doing drugs the Marines has nothing to offer you", "Well what if I'm still interested in learning about it? What if I want to become a Military Scientists?", "Well I don't want to waste your time so, have a good day sir".

I loled. The military is only interested in you if you can serve them, otherwise they don't give a rats ass about you.


  1. wow, doesnt everyone try drugs at least once in his life? support.

  2. they don't mind if you do a couple, but statistically the more you do the more likely you are to become a junkie. no offense.

  3. None taken Alaskan. BTW, Alaska rules! I have some brothers in Fairbanks.

    True the more you do the harder it is to get out of the habit. I only took pills for a year or so in high school. I'm in college now and have been MDMA clean for almost two years. Been thinking of trying a pill around my two year anniversary. If two years clean doesn't prove it's controllable, then I don't know what would.

  4. wow.. more posts like this please :]

  5. Thanks man. Awesome Article from WoW buddy.

  6. Kewl story, bro!

    happy 9/11!

  7. You're such a good grandson aren't you. :P
